Saturday, February 26, 2011

At last

Such a relief that my busy season at work is over.  It has been a long time since I blogged and this is because I was working 6 days a week for the past two months till 10 o'clock at night.  I know there are a lot of people out there in my profession that had it worse than that, and my apologies for making my situation sound bad compared to yours, but compared to the normal population this was intense.  The rewarding thing is that there was a big sense of accomplishment and a reason to celebrate.  We went out drinking last night, and the best part was dancing at Flip Flops in Midtown.  Kinda small, kinda fratastic, but it really didn't matter based on the mood I was in.  Woke up at 7:30 this morning and just couldn't let my mind get back to sleep.  Found it so exciting that I wasn't heading to work and I didn't want to sleep the day away.  Overall I have to say that I like my job a lot, it's challenging, rewarding, and I work with a lot of really good people.  There are definitely some shady characters, but they know who they are and they have to live with themselves.

Today is about getting back in touch with myself, my husband and my friends.  I feel like this is my biggest hobby these days, people ask well what do you like to do, and I say that when I have time I hang out with the people I love.  That is one of the things that makes life so good to me, enjoying the company.